

Hello world, it’s been a while.

I’ve been pretty busy NOT accomplishing my list but what I actually have time for is watch so many series but one in particular had quite an impact on me, and that’s the new Netflix series ’13 Reasons why’ (Again thanks Netflix for keep me away from social life and sleep...)
This series are based on a book I wish I knew as a teenager, in fact, I wish all schools make their kids read it or watch the series so maybe some of them change their behaviour.  

If you haven’t hear about it, you def. should (maybe after you finish reading this). But here’s a lil resume: Hannah Baker is a teenager girl that commits suicide but before that she records 13 tapes with the 13 reasons/people that lead her to that end, you will listen to all the tapes along with her classmate Clay Jensen who has his own tape.
I won’t lie, sometimes is not easy to watch, it also gets harder along with the tapes. I cried along in some episodes and couldn’t watch a scene from last episode.
But I mean it it’s really worth it, you can’t stop watching it, you need to know how it ends... but you already know how it ends...
Again, what are you doing still not watching it? Oh, wait yes, finish this post 😜

Watching this series made me go down memory lane to my high school time, in my school there aren’t sports teams or cheerleaders like in the typical American schools but the kids are much alike and you can tell apart different groups. I had my own group of friends, and this may sound weird or like I mean to brag or something but we were the cool girls
Yeah you read right, but being part of the cool kids doesn’t mean you’re cool. I guess I wasn’t the cool one, the pretty one, the most popular... I guess if I have to label it I was the funny one the group needed 😄
You may think being in the cool group makes the high school experience easier for you, but trust me, you can’t me more wrong. You know as a normal teenager you may like some boy but again you’re quite shy to say anything, back then you may think is because you’re shy but is more lack of confidence, also the fact that almost every time a boy tell you ‘can I talk to you for a moment’ it ends up as ‘do I have any chance with your friend? Can you help me?’ and guess what I wasn’t just the funny one I was the nice one so I helped them. If only one of those short high school romances lasted I could call myself cupid 😂
And even when you try to be ‘off the radar’ and be nice to everyone the time something really happens to you it runs like fire and becomes local news and everyone has a say on it, that can be a bit overwhelming and make you do or say things you didn’t want cause you suddenly have the weight of the world on your shoulders. Sometimes you get the feeling that everyone is looking at you or talking about you and it’s hard.
I think I open my heart and soul a bit to you guys in this post and I guess that’s enough for today. So I hope everyone realise that you can’t put labels on people according to their group of friends of their appearance or the telling about them, cause there may be a really different person underneath that one you think you know if you dedicate enough time for it.
We all are responsible of our acts and also the consequences of those acts on other people, is easier to be nice than to be a b*tch so why is everyone so mean?
I really wish some future generation gets wiser and doesn’t make as many mistakes as ours is making. Let’s hope for a nicer world.

I hope you enjoy this one, see you soon!
Xoxo Gummy Girl

PS: most images credit to http://giphy.com/  only few form google images



HI GUYS!! How you doin’? (You read that in Joey’s voice, don’t you? Now sure you do... 😂)
As we recently entered a new year everyone is making new years resolutions and all that crap that by today may almost all become bullsh*t (I really love that word, may blame Suits for it)

So turns out I don’t like to be as everyone else, and that got me thinking, what could I do?
BANG! Here’s a pretty cool idea, I swear it is and not just because it mine... well this is my blog I can get some credit, I nailed it! 😂
Here’s the plan, I’m gonna make a ‘Things to do before I’m 30’ list, you may think I’m not too original but as I told before... bullsh*t! 😜 This means I have more or less a year and half to accomplish it. Maybe it sounds easier than it really is; all depend on the goals of the list. I mean everyone thinks they know what they wanna do in life, but if you really take some time to think it through you may find out some new things coming to your mind, or even an unexpected blanc and tons of doubts...
In my case my head is boiling with some times incoherent ideas, so in order to made up my mind, I went online to check some existing list.
And here we go


  1. Have a different and original New Years in another country. Must notice that I only have on shot for this one and is next New Year...  😳
  2. Try a new sport. This may also help me with the ‘go back to the gym’ thing I’ve been delaying for too long. I already have a sport in mind to train but not gonna tell you now
  3. Move into my own place. I’ve been working on this one for a while but wanna push myself a bit to not delay it more than is needed.
  4. Take singing and acting lessons. Maybe just one class, don’t wanna make a big deal of this one but I would really love to try, and maybe in this same line I’m gonna say sing in a karaoke but of course in a place no one knows me 😂
  5. Find my own way. Let me explain this one, I really like my job right now but I think I can do much more and find something I’m really passionate about, maybe even become my own boss but that for sure will be in another list not this one
  6. Meet someone I admire. It’s well known that 2016 has taken a lot of people away, some I wished I could have met and that made me realise (guess also everyone) that time doesn’t stop for anyone so I really wish I get to meet some cool people, wanna say right now that my childhood and teenage crushes must be n this list starting with Jim Carrey, Mathew Perry and Will Smith and also all four Mcfly guys (hope they see this and come visit 😜)
  7. Discover anew Place. I would rather if it is in a country I’ve never been in. And travel more, some online lists recommend to travel alone... that is one I will think about but nor sure of it
  8. Learn more about photography. If you read my previous post that encouraged me to learn more about it and find more time for it, to this propose I already started an online Harvard course which I find pretty awesome (I mean... its Harvard!)
  9. Do/Buy something for me without worrying about the price. This may as well be clothes, accessories, something for the house or a trip but without care how expensive it is and enjoy it!
And last but not least.... 
I wrote that sentence and realise that may be directly related with the previous one...

Well I think a 10 point list is a good one, right? There are some things I could have on the list but already accomplished like win a photography award (you know I had to say that), dye my hair in a funny colour (even when it was temporary I did have my hair pink for a weekend), learn about dressmaking, how to sew  and made my own clothes (I need time to improve those skills but already have a fake fur vest and a dress made by me), buy and renovate a house (sure it won’t be the last one), and sure I have others I don’t recall right now but as they’re done they’re off the ‘to do’ list that was today’s point.

What about you, do you have any list? Will you come up with one now? Or do you have any suggestions? 😄

Well I think I’ve talked too much already, if you have a list I hope you accomplish it, well I hope I do the same too... See you soon!!
Xoxo Gummy Girl

PS: all images credit to http://giphy.com/



Hi everyone! 
I have pretty exciting news, well is not exactly news cause everyone knows about it but with all the holidays and Christmas 🎅 and stuff... I’ve been kind of busy, so here we go.
I used to participate in some photography contest a few years ago but it’s been a while since last time, anyway I had this photo I took last year that I really liked but never did anything with it. So there is this photo contest in my town and I decided to apply, in fact I presented 3 photos but that one was my fave.
And after the due date I keep on with my life to the point I even forgot what day I was living in when suddenly I get a call in the morning from a weird number and they tell me I WON SECOND PRIZE!! I don’t have to say it was with my fave photo, do I? I was so thrilled! I know is the second, not the first price but is the first time I get an award so I’m allowed to make a big deal of it, right? 😍
I called everyone right away and couldn’t believe it all day, also couldn’t believe I had to wait another week to see my pic on the wall of the exposition.
Surprisely when I get to the expo I saw another of my pics hanging in the wall, pretty cool huh, double happiness
Now let’s get to the award ceremony 😄 actually a friend of my dad’s was there giving the awards and that made me a little less nervous but ... well I was a bit of a mess anyway 😂
It was a quick ceremony and I can say I was the only woman receiving an award which is kind of weird, woman out there rise up to the photography world!
But moving on, the main point of this post is that I had photography, well personal photography projects on stand by and I tend to change that as long as I find time for it cause you know I’m kind of a busy person and time doesn’t actually grow up in trees ... But I will find it!

Well that’s all for now guys! Hope to see you soon!!
Xoxo Gummy Girl

PS: all images credit to http://giphy.com/