

Hi there, last post was a pretty sentimental (and intense) one, so I thought we could use a little joy or humour this time.
I guess most people know what a Tardis is, but for those who don’t... you really should start watching Doctor Who asap!
I remember like 3 years ago... 3 years oh dear time flies! 😳 ... where was I... oh yes, a friend told me to watch Doctor Who, at first I was sceptical and refuse to watch it but in order to convince me we make a deal he would give a try to the series Constantine (have to say that He liked the series of course) and I would give the Doctor a try too. So he gave me a flash drive with a wisely named folder “Choose your doctor” with 3 episodes one of each doctor David Tennant, Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi, after watching them I have to say I chose the 10th Doctor (David) as my fave one but didn’t watched more episodes.
Until now, again thanks Netflix you really keeping me away from reality, I started to watch it again, starting on season 5 with the 11th Doctor (Matt) and well... I have to say it’s been 3 years since I picked up my fave Doctor but I may have to change that answer  😂
After watching that 8th Doctor movie (and kinda regretting it) I started with season 1 of new episodes (not sure I can handle the old ones) I also have to say I’m happy the 9th Doctor only lasted one season, so I can finally catch up on the 10th Doctor, I also enjoy pretty much all episodes from 12th Doctor (Peter) but you know... bowties and fez are cool! SO COOL! So I declare myself a huge 11th Doctor FAN!
At this point you may already know (and if you don’t is because you haven’t pay attention cause I told you on this post) I have a great imagination and a thing for renovation shows, thanks Scott Brothers 😜
So I was thinking as some houses have a small porch, a little entrance, in the front door, some are just a little celling but others are closed, have walls, those are the ones I like...
Maybe you can use some paint, you can paint the calls in blue, not any shade of blue of course, it has to be TARDIS BLUE, and you can add all the details you want so it can look like an actual Tardis parked just next to the house but as an entrance it can look like a house size inside 😂
I know, I know, I’m a total nerd right now to some of you but I can think about a few people who would love to have one in their own houses. Also I have to say that is kinda probable that every time I entered my house I would think... let’s face it I would SAY “ITS BIGGER ON THE INSIDE”

That could be a really good Whovian (aka ‘Doctor Who fan’ for those not related to the word) detector cause they will also have to say that sentence too
So, if there is any Whovian reading this... are you still reading or did you already left to the paint shop to buy Tardis Blue paint?? 😉

Guess that will be all for now, see you soon!!

Xoxo Gummy Girl

PS: all images credit to http://giphy.com/

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